
03/03/2025: Congratulations to Ali and Dayana, who received travel awards to attend this year's Vision Sciences Society Conference in Florida!

10/31/2024: Huge congratulations to Dipin, who was named a Westfall Scholar by UNR's College of Science. This award is given annually to seniors with the highest cumulative GPA in their major.

08/13/2024: A warm lab welcome to Ali Pexsa, who is beginning her first year in UNR's Cognitive & Brain Sciences Ph.D program!

08/13/2024: Congratulations to Dayana, who presented preliminary findings on her work examining links between EEG and oculomotor signals of selective attention at Baylor University and the UNR Wolf Pack Research Symposium!

05/25/2024: Congrats to Devyn, whose Fall 2024 Nevada Undergraduate Research Award was selected for funding!

05/19/2024: Congrats to undergraduate RAs Dorothy, Gabe, and Michael, who are graduating from UNR! 

02/15/2024: Congrats to Phivos Phylactou, whose Sklodowska-Curie postdoctoral fellowship was selected for funding! Phivos will be joining the lab in 2025 and leveraging simultaneous TMS-EEG to understand the roles of sensory cortical areas in working memory storage. 

02/05/2024: More overdue updates!

07/02/2023: Ack! Many overdue updates!

08/19/2022: Canhuang and Rachel will be presenting at the Society for Neuroscience meeting this fall! Come visit us!

08/01/2022: Lots of new and exciting projects from the lab. Check out the preprints on the Publications page!

04/20/2022: Rachel, Gretchen, and Eddie will be presenting preliminary findings from their projects at the 2022 Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society in San Francisco. 

04/17/2022: A huge lab welcome to Arianna Thoksakis, who'll be joining the lab as a Ph.D student in UNR's Integrated Neuroscience Program this fall! 

04/05/2022: Another huge congrats to Gretchen, who's accepted a research coordinator position at Caterina Gratton's lab at Florida State. Naturally we're all sad to see her leave the lab, but we're excited to see her succeed in her new position!

03/28/2022: HUGE congrats to Gretchen for receiving UNR's Westfall Award for the highest cumulative GPA among all UNR Neuroscience majors (!!!) graduating in Spring 2022.  

01/21/2022: Congrats to Rachel and Gretchen on receiving Nevada Undergraduate Research Awards! These highly competitive awards will provide Rachel and Gretchen with financial support to pursue additional projects in the lab. Well done Rachel and Gretchen!

10/01/2021: A warm welcome to Canhuang Luo, who joins the lab as a postdoctoral fellow after completing a Ph.D with Rufin VanRullen at the Centre de Recherche Cerveau et Cognition in Toulouse, France

07/01/2021: Hello World! Welcome to our new lab page!